Bluey Wiki

Jalenluorion Jalenluorion 9 April 2023

Admin News - 04-08-23

Hello again everyone!

Today is the day Bluey returns to TV! (Here's a list of what's coming and when) I'm sure we all are excited for the new episodes, which means new article writing! All of the episode pages have already been created due to our excellent staff team, which means all you have to do is fill it out.

Here are a couple things to keep in mind as Season 3 part 3 gets released.
- When talking about the episodes in discussions, please mark each post with a spoiler tag. This way the experience is not ruined for some people.
- Keep the Manual of Style in mind when editing articles. We do not want the new episodes to be inconsistent with the previous ones.
- When uploading new photos of the new episodes, please name them to the naming con…

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Jalenluorion Jalenluorion 12 June 2022

Admin News - 11-06-22

Hello again everyone!

It's the night before Bluey returns to TV! (Here's a list of what's coming and when) I'm sure we all are excited for the new episodes, which means new article writing! All of the episode pages have already been created due to our excellent staff team, which means all you have to do is fill it out.

Here are a couple things to keep in mind as Season 3 part 2 gets released.
- When talking about the episodes in discussions, please mark each post with a spoiler tag. This way the experience is not ruined for some people.
- Keep the Manual of Style in mind when editing articles. We do not want the new episodes to be inconsistent with the previous ones.
- When uploading new photos of the new episodes, please name them to the namin…

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Jalenluorion Jalenluorion 14 December 2021

Admin News - 13-12-21

Hello everyone! This is my first blog post, so I should probobly introduce myself. I am Jalen, a Bluey fan like all of you! I got promoted along with some other awesome people to help aid Bluedigitalcat manage the wiki. You no longer have to only message Blue if you want a favor, you can message anyone on this staff page.

So without further ado, here's what's new!

- First off, all rule pages has been consolidated into one single page, for ease of viewing and access. The rules has also been adjusted as well. Fanart is now allowed in this wiki, as long as it stays in its specific category. Fanart can include drawings, videos, and even memes. As with previous policy, fanart in any other place will be deleted.

- We also have a new Manual of Style…

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