TITLE CARD - Stickbird
Bluey [voiceover]: This episode of Bluey is called Stickbird.
The episode opens with an aerial shot of a beach. The beach has several shallow pools, and there is a wooded area across a small stream. Bingo, Bluey, Bandit, and Chilli are walking towards the water.
The scene cuts to ground level. Bluey and Bingo run across the screen, followed by Bandit and Chilli who are carrying beach gear. Bluey and Bingo's faces have been painted with stripes of pink and green zinc oxide. Bingo does a spin as she runs, and Bluey does a cartwheel.
Bluey: Whoo!
Bingo: Whoo-hoo-hoo!
The scene cuts to one of the shallow pools. Bluey and Bingo run through it, splashing.
Bingo: (giggles)
Bluey: Wooo!
Bingo turns and splashes Bluey with her hands. They both run off.
The scene changes to show Bingo and Bluey building a sandcastle, decorated with seashells. Bluey plants a pine twig in the top as a flag. Chilli enters from screen right, brandishing a crab claw.
Chilli: Ya!
Bluey and Bingo: Ah!
They take off running. The scene changes to show Bandit under an umbrella with the beach gear. He's got a mermaid tail made of sand, and is staring into the distance. Chilli chases Bluey and Bingo across the screen with the crab claw.
Bluey and Bingo: Aaaaah!
Bandit does not react.
The scene changes to an aerial view of Bluey and Bingo using sticks to draw on the beach. They've drawn a love heart with a smiley face.
The scene changes to a close up of a stick. Bingo's hand picks it up.
Bingo: Ooh.
The scene changes to show Bluey and Bingo at the edge of a pool. Bluey picks up a stick as well.
Bluey: Let's see how far we can throw it.
Bingo: Okay.
Bingo throws the stick almost straight down, into the pool at her feet. Bluey tries a sidearm throw, but releases too late and throws it straight up to land behind her.
Bluey: Whoo!
Bingo: Mmm. Not very far.
The shot pulls back to show Chilli and Bandit sitting under the umbrella behind Bluey and Bingo. Bandit is still staring into space. Chilli is sitting on a beach chair, reading a book.
Chilli: (amused) Who taught you kids how to throw?
Bluey: No-one.
Chilli: (to Bandit) You want to handle this?
Bandit does not react. Chilli snaps her fingers by his head.
Chilli: Hey. Heeler.
Bandit: Oh, sorry. What?
Chilli: Nothing. Come on, kids. I'll teach you how to throw.
The scene cuts to a close up of Chilli balancing a rock on a forked stick, which has been stuck upright in the pool.
The scene changes to show Chilli walking out of the pool, as Bluey and Bingo wait with sticks at the edge.
Chilli: Alright. This is the target. Now, stand side-on like you're on a skateboard.
She demonstrates. Bluey copies her. Bingo faces the wrong way.
Chilli: Other way, Bingo.
Bingo: Oh.
She faces the correct direction.
Chilli: Bend your knees. Get comfy.
She bends her knees and shimmies; Bluey and Bingo copy her. She points with the index finger of her free arm.
Chilli: Aim with this finger. Lean on your back foot.
Chilli leans back to throw. The kids copy her.
Chilli: Then you're gonna swoop.
She throws the stick as she says "swoop". It lands next to the target.
Chilli: Use your whole body. Not just your arm.
Bluey and Bingo throw their sticks, making it about halfway to the target.
Chilli: Yeah, that's better. Let's go again.
They wade into the pool to retrieve their sticks.
Bingo: Why do we have to learn to throw properly?
Chilli: So you can throw things really far.
Bluey: Do we need to throw things really far?
Chilli shrugs.
Chilli: Sometimes.
Bingo: I need better sticks.
Chilli: Ooh, I bet there's some over there.
Bingo: Can I go look?
Chilli: Yeah, you go.
Bingo squeals and runs off.
Chilli: Let's try again.
The scene cuts back to Bandit. He's still under the umbrella, staring into space. Bingo runs up.
Bingo: Dad, race me to that stick.
Bandit does not respond.
Bingo: Dad. Dad!
She pats his side.
Bandit: Sorry, mate. What was that?
The shot pulls back to show Chilli and Bluey as well.
Chilli: Let it go, babe. You're missing all this.
Chilli gestures to Bluey throwing a stick.
Bandit: I'm trying.
Bingo: What are you trying?
Bandit: Nothing. You want a race, do you?
Bingo: Yeah. Ready, set, go!
Bandit: Hey, what?!
Bingo runs off giggling. Bandit breaks out of the mermaid tail and brushes off his legs.
Bandit: (grunts) I'm coming!
The scene cuts to an aerial shot of Bandit chasing Bingo along the edge of the water.
Bandit: I'm gonna catch you!
The scene cuts again to a stretch of beach, empty except for a stick. Bingo stops and raises her arms in victory.
Bingo: I win!
Bandit: (panting) Ah, Bingo, you're too quick for me.
Bingo: Oh, Dad, look.
Bingo picks up the stick.
Bingo: It looks like a bird's head.
Bandit: Oh, yeah, it does too.
Bingo: Can we make a stickbird?
Bandit: Yeah, righto.
Bingo: Hooray!
The scene cuts to a montage with no dialogue. It cuts back and forth between Bandit and Bingo building the stickbird, and Chilli teaching Bluey to throw.
Bandit and Bingo build a mound of sand on the beach.
Bluey throws a stick, and Chilli gives her some advice on her grip.
The mound of sand now has wings and a shell bow-tie. Bandit adds a pine twig tail.
Bluey throws again, and Chilli demonstrates a wind-up.
Bingo inserts the stick to act as the bird's head. Bingo and Bandit admire their work, tails wagging.
Bluey throws another stick, getting closer to the target. Chilli pumps her arm, saying something encouraging.
The scene cuts back to Bandit and Bingo at the stickbird. Bandit has his back turned and is staring out at the ocean. Bingo is talking to the stickbird.
Bingo: (to stickbird) You'll be happy here. You've got lots of other birds around.
The silhouette of a distant swallow loops through the sky.
The scene cuts to the reverse shot, focusing on Bandit.
Bingo: Dad. Dad?
Bandit: Uh... yep.
He turns around.
Bingo: We'll have to find another stick.
Bandit walks back over to Bingo and the stickbird.
Bandit: Oh, why?
Bingo: Because we can't throw stickbird's head.
Bandit: Oh, yeah, of course not. We'd never do that to you, stickbird.
Bandit pats stickbird's back. Bingo pets its beak.
Bingo: You're too beautiful.
Bandit: Come on, let's try over there. Ready, set, go!
Bandit starts running.
Bingo: Bye, stickbird!
Bingo gets up and runs after him.
The scene changes to an aerial shot of the edge of the stream. The shore is littered with sticks of all sizes.
Bandit: You get those ones (points right) and I'll get these (points left).
The scene changes to ground level. They both pick up sticks.
In the distance, three kids run across the beach near stickbird.
Kid 2: I'll race you.
Kid 1 and Kid 2: Woo!
All three kids giggle.
The scene cuts to show the kids running past stickbird. Kid 1, in the lead, turns backwards and runs in place.
Kid 1: I'm gonna win!
He turns back and continues running as Kid 2 catches up.
Kid 2: (to Kid 3) Come on, Cookie!
Cookie turns back, grabs stickbird's head, and triumphantly holds it up.
Cookie: Stick!
Cookie giggles and runs off with stickbird's head.
The scene cuts back to Bandit, looking worried.
Bandit: Oh, no.
The scene pulls back to show Bingo. She drops her bundle of sticks and runs over to the remains of stickbird. She slumps and her ears droop.
The shot cuts back to Bandit, looking worried. The scene cuts back to Bingo; she wipes a tear from her eye. Bandit walks up.
Bingo: (sniff) They broke stickbird.
Bandit puts his hand on Bingo's back.
Bandit: I know.
Bingo: Why would they do that?
Bandit: Well, they probably just wanted the stick.
Bandit and Bingo turn around, to look at the kids running around on the far side of the stream.
Bandit: They wouldn't have known we just made it.
The camera cuts back to just Bandit and Bingo. Bingo folds her arms and scowls.
Bingo: They're mean.
Bandit: I'm sure they weren't trying to be mean.
Bingo: They're my rivals.
The scene cuts to a close up of a soldier crab. It darts into its burrow.
The scene cuts to Bandit and Bingo walking together towards the stream.
Bingo: I really liked stickbird.
Bandit: Yeah, me too. He was beautiful. But when you put something beautiful out into the world, it's no longer yours really.
The scene cuts back to Chilli and Bluey. Bluey makes another throw, which lands right next to the target.
Chilli: Oh, so close.
Bluey runs into the water to retrieve her stick.
The scene cuts back to Bandit and Bingo, at the edge of the stream. Bingo is sitting down, holding her knees. Bandit is picking up sticks.
The scene cuts back to Chilli and Bluey; with the camera placed right by the target. Bluey makes a perfect throw, knocking over the target.
Chilli and Bluey: Whoa!
Chilli: You got it!
Bluey: I'm going to tell Dad.
Chilli: (chuckles)
The scene cuts back to Bandit and Bingo, now walking along the edge of the ocean. Bandit picks up a stick.
Bandit: Could this be a new stickbird head?
Bingo: (sadly) No, that's not a bird head.
Bandit: Come on, cheer up, Bingo. You're missing all this.
Bandit gestures widely, indicating the whole beach. Bluey runs up to them from downscreen.
Bluey: Hey, Dad, I can throw!
Bandit: Aww, nice one, Bluey.
Bluey: Come and see. Bingo, I'll race you back.
Bandit: Uh, Bingo's a bit upset at the moment.
Bingo: I'm upset and angry.
Bandit: Some kids ruined her stickbird.
Bluey: Oh. I can show you a trick my buddy Mia taught me, if you like. It's for after you're upset and angry.
Bingo nods. The camera changes to show Bluey from Bingo's point of view.
Bluey: Okay. So... you have to collect all the upset and all the angry.
Bluey pantomimes pulling things off her face and placing them in her right hand.
The scene goes back to third person view.
Bingo: How do I collect upset and angry?
Bluey: You just feel where it is and go get it.
Bingo: Hmm.
Bluey: There's usually some in your belly... or your neck.
Bluey pantomimes pulling something off her belly and neck. Bingo imitates her.
Bingo: And always remember to check your ears.
Bluey and Bingo bounce up and down with their heads cocked, as though they're trying to shake something out of their ears, with their hands held out to catch it. They giggle.
Bluey: Now you've got all that upset and angry in your hands.
Bingo: What do I do with it?
Bluey: Do you want to keep it?
Bingo: No, I don't want it.
Bluey: Well, what do you do with something you don't want anymore?
Bingo: Uh, give it to you?
Bingo offers Bluey her cupped hands. Bluey recoils.
Bluey: Oh, I don't want it.
Bingo: (laughs)
Bingo offers her cupped hands to Bandit, who also recoils.
Bandit: Yeah, me neither.
Bingo: (laughing) What do I do with it?
Bluey turns her to face the ocean.
Bluey: You throw it away.
Bingo: Oh...
Bingo cocks her arm to throw.
Bluey: Uh-uh, like Mum said, you need to throw this thing really far.
Bingo takes the throwing pose Chilli taught her, step-by-step.
Bingo: Stand sideways, like on a skateboard.
Bluey: Bend your knees.
Bingo: Yeah. Get comfy.
Bluey: That's good.
Bluey: Aim with this arm...
She points.
Bingo: And... Yee-ah!
Bingo pantomimes throwing something.
Bandit and Bluey: Whoa!
Bandit shades his eyes.
Bandit: It's going all the way out to sea.
Bluey: Look for the splash, look for the splash.
Bandit: There! Did you see it?
Bingo: Yes! It was a million miles away.
Bandit ruffles Bingo's hair.
Bandit: Good throw.
Bluey: Yeah, good one, Bingo.
Bingo: Thanks.
Bandit: So, how do you feel?
Bingo: (surprised) Good.
Bandit and Bluey: Yay!
Bingo: Thanks, Bluey.
Bandit: Yeah, thanks, Bluey.
Bluey: Thank Mia. She taught me it. Oh, and Mum for the throwing bit.
Bingo: Can we have a race to Mum?
Bluey: Yeah. Dad, do you wanna race too?
Bandit: Yeah, okay. I'll give you a head start.
Bingo: Okay. Ready set go!
The scene changes to an aerial view. Bingo takes off running.
Bluey: Ah!
Bluey runs after her.
Bingo: I'm winning!
The scene cuts back to Bandit, on the beach by himself. He looks out over the ocean with a worried expression. He pantomimes pulling something off his face and chest, and hurls it into the sea.
Bandit: (grunts) Huah!
The camera pulls back rapidly, as though Bandit threw it. Bandit turns and runs after his kids.
Bandit: Here I come!
The camera splashes into the sea. A damselfish swims into frame as the episode ends.
[End credits]
The episode theme, an arrangement of Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring primarily featuring strings, plays over the credits. Bluey and Bingo bounce up and down, shaking upset and angry out of their ears.